Tuesday, December 10, 2019

German Beer Mugs

As an aficionado of German beer, I am also a collector of German beer glasses and to a lesser extent, German beer mugs and steins. This dates back to my US Army days in Erlangen in the 1960s. In addition to dozens of beer glasses from different breweries, I brought back a few one liter and half liter mugs. I have recently taken the one liter mugs  out of the garage and now display them on my bookcase in my study.

As you can see, I am somewhat of an amateur scholar on the history of the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Having been stationed just outside Nuremberg, I became quite interested in this terrible period and still read voraciously on the subject.

In the top photo, on the top shelf (l-r) , the mugs are, Bamberger Hofbrau, Henninger Reifbrau of Erlangen, Steinbach Brau of Erlangen, and Erlanger Erichbrau. On the bottom is a mug from Kitzmann of Erlangen. With the exception of Steinbach, all of the breweries are now defunct. The Steinbach and Kitzmann mugs were just purchased this month on Ebay. The other three are souvenirs from Erlangen's Bergkirchweih beer fest in the 1960s. The ceramic Frankfurt beer stein is one of a separate collection.

Kitzmann of Erlangen

They make a nice collection, but the problem is if you have too many, it is hard to find a suitable display location. My wife isn't going to tolerate any more beer mugs in my book case.


  1. Hi, I'm trying to figure out when the heck my 1L Henninger Reifbrau stein was made. It's very similar to the one in your photo, but below the logo it says "Erlanger Freifbrau gegr. 1690."

    I cannot find anything anywhere to help me determine this. During my searches I came across your blog. Not sure if this is something you have any info on, but if so, I'd love to learn. Thanks so much!

  2. Melissa,

    the German word gegr. (gegrundet) means "founded". Your stein was not made then-more likely in the 1960s or earlier. The Erlangen brewery is now defunct. This should also give you more info:

    I also have a Henniger Reifbrau (Erlangen) glass which says, founded in 1690. They are referring all the way back to the predecessor brewery from which they bought it. BTW: I am the author of the source book below.
