Friday, December 25, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Hofbrauhaus Wolters Brewery: Braunschweiger Beer
No, this is not a liverwurst flavored beer. Hofbrauhaus Wolters is a brewery in Braunschweig, Germany (English name, Brunswick). It is a city I have never visited in Germany, and so I cannot testify to the quality of their beer there as compared to other regions in the country. However, the Hofbrauhaus Wolters brewery, which produces many varieties of beer, is exporting their products to the US. The chain Total Wines and More has several of their products-in cans. Up until recently, I have always turned up my nose at canned beer, but I have had good success lately in finding imported German beers in cans that are quite superior to what I had been spending decades trying in the US in bottles or draft.
If you go to their website, you will see that they produce virtually every variety of beer popular in Germany, Pils, Dunkles, Hefeweizen, Lager, Maibock-you name it. Total Wines and More has the first three available-in cans. I have tried the pils, and its not bad. As always, I add that it's probably much better in Germany.
As I write this, I am drinking another one of their canned products. It's called Brunonia Lager. It's 4.8% alcohol and good, with a smooth taste and no after taste. I am not a professional beer expert, so I won't go into the "floral hops", "hints of biscuit" talk. It's just a nice beer.